Hey well its really nice here really hot (again) on the afternoon of our arrival we went up to the war cemetery and the the death valley museum- very sobering.
But its not all war there is the Erawan National Park, which is supposed to have the best water falls in the whole of Thailand and they really are very pretty. 
There are seven tiers and you can swim in some an the fish nibble on your toes- that is the strangest sensation an as the fish got bigger I couldn't take it any more it was too tickly and odd!!
i finally decided that the only way to describe it is like this- its like a million small cat tongues licking your feet all at the same time- can you feel it???
By the way i have just realised that is not my foot its Andrea's- you can tell by the plasters!!!!!! :)
there are also the monkeys that rob your banana chips!!
Whilst there we saw lots of big trees with coloured fabric wrapped round them an suits of clothing hanging from them. according to a local l
ass in our bar when a tree is big they believe it has a spirit in it and they will wrap fabric round it and request good fortune in something. if it comes true they buy the spirit clothing!
after there we went to see a cave that the Japanese army used as a medical base it now has a big Buddha and it smells of bats. this cave was right on the death valley railway and we could walk along this track for quite away (even though it is still in use) and the scenery was was amazing. It real
ly bought home how massive an undertaking it must have been to put this all together there there was sheer cliff face one side an a drop of overgrown jungliness the other. We did take a short trip on the railway.
the Bridge Over The River Kwai was our next stop, although it had been bombed by the allies it has been repaired an you can see some of the bomb damage on the supports.
Kanchanaburi itself is a lovely place, its small but lively. we found a fantastic bar by the hotel called 'Friend Bar'
an it really was the best place to go though not really very busy the staff were great fun an we went there every night, no where else could compete!!
There was also a cafe called 'Fine' which did the best curry yet!
probably the biggest attraction here though is the Tiger Temple. ah wow this is a sanctuary for wild animals. they are cared for by the monks, most of the tigers there now are descended from the original rescue ones.
you actually get to sit with an stroke these tigers all be it for a short time. then its on to play with babies- one even tried to climb up my leg- ahh its so fantastic. there are other animals at the sanctuary like water buffalo and boar (their babies were sweet!)
but hey its all about the tigers for me!!!!
Apparently just up past the cemetery there is the dragon temple you walk into the dragons mouth through its body an come out on a hill- its not in any of the books/maps and none of the locals mentioned it (does it really exist or was the source on something??) didn't find out about it till the last morning so didn't get to look for it- but if any of you are in the area..
Favourite Food So Far- Pan Thai / Panang
Lady Boys - 2 possibly 3 we are still debating that one. We have prob seen loads more and not realised
Lizards are common place now!!
Hi Sairs, This is Kerry, your Aunt's Liz's work mate. We are having a great time reading your blog in our quiet works moments! I have a tip for you - try a calamari (squid) in yellow curry. Once you've had that, there is no going back! Also one of my favs is the Som Tam (green papaya salad) it is the best salad you will every have. Have fun! Kerry
haha great thanks for the tip! glad you enjoy the blog, don't think i am quite in Bill Brysons league yet!!!
I don't do sea food so i have passed the squid suggestion on to Andrea. i will def have a go on the salad though!
Thats great thanks
catch you guys later!!!!
S :)
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